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The Key To Designing Your Destiny

Start your 2021 with new beginnings, Leaving all of the past challenges of 2020 behind you, being open to new opportunities creating possibilities of a brighter future for you, your family, and your career.


Saturday OCTOBER 2nd 2021


Sunday OCTOBER 3rd 2021

NLPU – Robert Dilts certificate

Learning How to Put All the Pieces Together

We Guarantee You will receive All the Materials You Need To Begin Working With Your Own Clients

USB Files, Charts, Worksheets, Resources, Practitioner Assist Cards etc


14th of JANUARY 2022 

Module 1: January 14th, 15th, 16th 2022

Module 2: February 11th, 12th, 13th 2022

Module 3: March 11th, 12th, 13th 2022

Module 4: April 8th, 9th, 10th 2022

Module 5: May 6th, 7th, 8th 2022


Pay in FULL by Friday 17th December 2021

NORMALLY $6950.00  EARLY BIRD $5,950.00


We will deliver virtually.

Life Just Goes On, Same Old Same As …

Having the Good Life is Just like an Idea – Just Like a Rumour to you –
Until You Learn How To Experience Change …. and …. Embrace Some Changes and Feel It In Your Body

You don’t know what you don’t know –Until you begin Discovering how and where to begin making the changes

It All Begins With What You Are Prepared To Do To Find Out….

You are updating your computer software regularly,
You are re-organising and re-programming your information
You delete out of date data and you install new software regularly.

Are you ready to begin deleting, updating, and re-programming

the most valuable piece of equipment you have YOUR MIND
Begin to reprogram YOUR THOUGHTS
and putting them into Action

Is Your Career or Business Suffering?

What has been happening in the economy with all of this new technology-driven world we are living in?
Experiencing a lack of communication and connection with your colleagues, partners, children, parents or friends?
Are you experiencing this kind of thing happening in your own Personal Life?

Are you Ready

to Discover Some Amazing Techniques That Will Easily Support You In Letting Go of Out Of Date Data, Cleaning up All Areas Of Contamination, Re-Organising Your Thoughts, Re-Programming All Of Your Old Beliefs, Converting All Unnecessary Toxic and Contaminating Memories Into New Information?

 Begin Experiencing Joyful Feelings Changing in Your Body

All of your Stresses into Successes?

Your disappointments into Opportunities?

Your frustrations into Positive Outcomes?

Your weaknesses into Your Strengths?

Your fallibilities into your Most Precious Lessons?

Your resistance to addressing the stress in your life,

and its negative outcomes will begin disappearing when you start discovering how to fully appreciate that many of the skills and techniques that are successful in managing your stress are the very same skills that successful people are using every day in their personal and professional life!

You can learn how to unlock your potential of creating amazing opportunities and experiencing all the possibilities of living a healthy, happy, and successful lifestyle.

Are you, your family/friends missing out because

  • Do you find it hard in making Decisions?

  • You are feeling depressed or lonely, often sad or feeling rejected or cut off?

  • You have a habit of making unhealthy or unresourceful decisions

  • You have a Gut feeling and ignore it and wish you hadn’t?

  • You follow your heart and end up getting hurt

  • You Listen to what everyone else says and then end up being confused

  • Making wrong decisions too often

  • You are a workaholic?

  • You are having problems balancing your personal life and career?

  • You are experiencing lots of changes at home/work – not handling changes well?

  • You are frequently suffering from Headaches, migraines, rashes?

  • You are suffering from sleepless nights or sleeping restlessly?

  • You are often self-doubting your own ability?

  • You are creating worse case scenarios that are driving you crazy?

  • You are overreacting when friends/family give you feedback or make suggestions?

  • Your friends/siblings or partner are saying that you are thin-skinned?

  • Are you easily able to switch off from work and relax/focus on reading/studying?

  • Are you smoking or drinking too much?

  • Are you regularly taking medication for your nerves, depression or stress?

  • Are you often wondering “what is the point”?

  • Are you continuing in making excuses not to join with your colleagues or friends?

  • Has your interest in intimacy and sex declined?

  • Are you often feeling you are contributing less than your best?

  • Are you falling asleep in front of the TV, or when with friends?

  • Are you impatient and losing control often?

  • Are you turning off and becoming distracted when others are talking to you?

  • Are you bored with your friendships or relationship?

Does Any of the above sound like you?

Come and join us and be open to discovering how you can start making the right decisions for you – that will begin working for you, increasing your confidence and allowing you to discover your true Authentic self, feeling comfortable being who you are regardless of what others are thinking or saying, enjoying your life doing what you are wanting to be doing and having the fun you are wanting to have.

It is not What is Happening in Your Life That Matters – It is How You Are Reacting To Your Challenges That will be Making The Difference!

Are You facing Challenges In Your Profession?

So Many Professionals End Up With Depression, Addictions, Relationships In Ruin Because They Believed That They Did Not Need To Get Help Because They Had Learnt All They Needed And Should Not Be Going Through These Challenges …………….. You Are Human, You Are Fallible. Give Yourself the Gift Of Healing, Having Better Health And Continue in Developing Your Own Personal Growth You Deserve Happiness and Well Being, What Is Preventing You From Investing In Your Future Now?

Are You overstressed?

Are You Personally Facing

Fear, Anxiety, Depression, or Having Negative Thoughts About Life and Have Even Considered Self-Harming? 

Feeling Alone At Times –

Believing That No-One Understands You Or What You Are Going Through?

What You Are Creating is a Lot Of ‘Worse Case Scenarios’ In Your own Mind

and They Are Driving You Crazy?

Today The Most Common Reason Given When People Leave Their Jobs Is “Stress” or not “Being able to communicate” “Not being heard” has Been Given As The Primary Reason For Their Decision To Leave.

Discover How you can beginFinding the Missing ‘PEACE’ in your life

And start Rediscovering Your Magnificence – Regaining Happiness, Freedom And Confidence while building and Achieving Your Excellence

With All The Uncertainty in Australia With The High Prices Of Petrol, Electricity And Mortgage Fees Rising Rapidly,  Uncertainty Of Business Growth, The Lowering Of House Prices, In The Media At The Moment … Get Yourself Forearmed To Deal With and Improving Your Situations In Your Workplace Or At Home

What can you be doing that you are not doing now….That Will Make

Your Workplace, Your Business, Your Relationship, Your Family

When A Disaster Happens, When Tragedy Strikes, When Illness falls upon You

Are You Ready with the Life Skills You Need?

that Will Give You The Benefits And Direction To Moving Forward Positively, Being Able To Communicate In Ways That Will Give You The Results You are Wanting. Learning The Skills Of Survival So You Have Them When You are Needing Them, It Is No Good Learning How To Keep Your Boat Afloat When It Is Already Sinking, You Need To Have The Skills Beforehand If You Want Any Hope Of Survival.

  • As A Personal Trainer, I Have Many Strategies And Processes In Helping Others Change Their Lives And Achieve Their Goals, I Was So Focussed On Work And Achieving That I Did Not See My Marriage Fall Apart. My Wife Left Me And Has Gone To Live Interstate With My Two Beautiful Children. Life Is What We Make It, This Weekend Has Given Me So Much As I Identified The Blocks That Were Hindering My Life/Work Balance, Since The Weekend My Wife And I Are Talking And I Believe There Is Some Hope Now Of Reconciliation, And I Am Happy To Take It Slowly. Thank you For Sharing Your Experiences And Expertise. I Have Truly Enjoyed The Weekend, And Would Highly Recommend This For Your Own Personal Growth And Development.”  – Shane. Melbourne.

  • I had a big wake-up call last year when my son attempted suicide, I was devastated and was at a loss of what to do and could not understand why he would do such a thing. I had to seek help and was directed to Lorna and this program, I was skeptical but knew that I had to do something to prevent this from happening again. This has been the best program I have ever attended, I discovered that what I have been doing as a parent was not working for us as a family, that in fact it has been destroying our relationships with each other for years and there was no respect. I have learned so much and changed so much in the way I am parenting now, we have respect for ourselves and each other and there is a real sense of support with each other. I highly recommend doing this program for yourself first, when you make the changes your family will change around you. Thankyou Lorna,you have helped me to save my family.  –  Maree. Brisbane.

  • The KEY to Designing Your Destiny™

    Introduces you to new possibilities, allowing you to discover the inside secrets of how you are communicating – that which is working for you or against you, what it is that you can do to begin changing your unwanted or wanted results into continually achieving more positive outcomes.

    How you can easily begin letting go of what you need to Let Go of, enabling you to unlock your potential, regaining balance, harmony and taking control in all areas of your life.

     Every day is full of amazing Opportunities Brilliantly Disguised As Impossible Situations

    Are You Ready Now? 

    for discovering your own answers, your deepest truths, Experiencing Profound emotional and physical healing within yourself.

    “This has been the best weekend I have had for ages, as a professional hypnotherapist I was helping others with their problems daily and not looking after myself, my health was not good as I started to go into depression. This weekend course has been the best workshop I have ever done, truly professional in all ways and the best gift I received was the techniques to improve my health, flexibility, and motivation. My business is now growing because I am healing myself in so many ways thankyou to all of you.”  – Andrea

     Every day is full of amazing Opportunities Brilliantly Disguised As Impossible Situations

    We welcome you in Joining us Before you Miss Out on this Amazing Opportunity of Having a Life of Total Health and Wellbeing.

    Make A Difference in Your Life Today by Investing in Your Future Health and Well being YOU ARE WORTH IT


    Saturday OCTOBER 2nd 2021 


    Sunday OCTOBER 3rd 2021


    © 2021 Collective Intelligences Leadership Academy