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Master NLP Trainer

One of Australia’s most Experienced NLP Master Trainers (Having trained with 65+ Internationally recognized Trainers over 30 years) Lorna continues with her Education in Professional Development, her skills, Learning, while enhancing and improving her knowledge and expertise in her chosen fields of Leadership, NLP, Training, Speaking. and Coaching.

Lorna’s Qualifications

  • Master NLP Trainer (NLP University – Robert Dilts & Judith De Lozier; USA)

  • SFM Conscious Leadership Trainer

  • LAB PROFILE Certified Trainer

  • NBI – Whole Brain Thinking Licensed Practitioner/Consultant iWAM Consultant/Practitioner

  • Certificate IV TAE4 – Training

  • Certificate IV Executive Coaching

  • Certificate IV Life Coaching

  • Certificate IV Business NLP Health Trainer Time Line therapy™

  • Master Practitioner Hypnotherapist – Trainer

  • Image Consultant (28 years experience)

  • Certified Meta States Trainer

  • Neurosemantics NLP Trainer Certified Meta Coach (ACMC)

  • Virtual Gastric Banding Practitioner/Coach

  • mBIT Master trainer

  • mBIT Trainer

  • mBIT Certified Coach

  • Professional Image Consultant


Lorna is a leading International speaker and Master Trainer, a leading Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) expert and its powerful role in the art of communication. Master Trainer of mBIT with over 20years Experience working in the fields of Speaking, Presenting, NLP Training, Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Whole Brain Thinking, LAB Profile -Learning and Behavioural Motivation/work Traits, Relationship Mediating, Personal & Group Therapy, Depression, Stuttering, Workplace Bullying, workplace Leadership and Personal Development.

Lorna’s reputation and standing in the international NLP and speaking community is significant, and she returns overseas each year to assist in training International students of NLP Trainers and Master Trainers at the UCSC – University of California Santa Cruz for 2 months, as well as fulfilling speaking engagements and training coaches in the field of NLP, Presentation Skills and mBIT.

Lorna is regularly invited to attend international conferences, events, academic forums and industry workshops to deliver key note addresses, education seminars keeping up with the latest developments in the 3rd Generation NLP as it evolves. Lorna is also an iWAM certified practitioner and has trained with over 28 international trainers of NLP.

Lorna was also the first certified trainer in Australia of the LAB – Words that Change Minds, Mastering the Language of Influence that teach you how to identify the motivation and working traits of yourself and your employees for retaining longer lasting employees and more dedicated and loyal team members within the workplace. Lorna received her Certificate 1V Trainers and Workplace Assessors certifications from the University of Melbourne, and her Certificate 1V in Business from the University of Qld and upgraded to the TAA4E qualification in Queensland, 2011.

I began my training and working with NLP because of the journey that I was on, my own compelling personal victory over domestic violence, losing 10 babies in the womb and defeating diagnosed terminal cervical cancer 36+ yrs ago.

I was introduced to Mind Powers with John Kehoe which ignited my own curiosity to look for what else was out there in the fields of ‘How We Think’ and ‘How We Create’ the world ‘We Choose to Live In’ , because of my own journey and success in creating my amazing life changes, I was interested in learning and discovering more, as it became my passion, I experienced more happiness and balance in my life.

I wanted to share this with everyone I met, my clients, my friends and my family, with the belief that I was here to pass on all that I had been learning that was making such a difference to my health, my wellbeing, my attitude and as to who I was as a person, and give it to those who would benefit from this like I had gotten. I am forever grateful to fulfill many long term goals of mine, so blessed to have had so many opportunities of working with many wonderful trainers who have all contributed to my success on my journey.

A special opportunity was being able to have the opportunity to train with and resource for Robert Dilts and Judith De Lozier who have introduced me to a new field in the NLP world, in building a wonderful world of generative collaboration where we all support, sponsor, honour and respect each other on all levels.

I have made some lifelong NLP friends that have really enriched my life, I am still contributing and collaborating in this wonderful community as we go forward to 4th Generation NLP & more Conscious Leadership as we move forward.

I am grateful to have had the opportunities, and for the many wonderful 60+ Trainers for their knowledge that they have so generously shared with their students over the years, John Kehoe for introducing me to Mind Powers, Tad James who introduced me to my first experiences with NLP, and to Time Line Therapy® which made huge differences in my life, Dr.Bobby Bodenhamer & Michael Hall for adding value with the Neuro-Semantics®, especially for Bob believing so much in my ability as he was encouraging me to train the practitioner and Master Practitioner levels, it was because of his belief in me, that I began offering the NLP Trainings. Michelle Duvall – for her support with Meta Coaching, which brought another level to my trainings. Shelle Rose Charvet for her support and friendship, the LAB Profile which gave me a deeper understanding of the Meta programs, Sue Knight for her friendship, professionalism over the years, I achieved skills of applying NLP in the workplace, more about modelling and coaching. Tim Hallborn, Robert Dilts & Suzi Smith for the Health Cert Program and utilizing NLP with health challenges.

Kath McKenzie for Cert IV coaching in Business organisations, for her support and friendship over many years, Deborah Bacon-Dilts, Nick Le Force, Topher Morrison, Chris Howard, David Sheppard, Suzi Smith, Sid Jacobsen, Michael Colgrass, Marvin Oka, Martin Seligman, Andrew Bryant, Mike Davis, Martin Urban, Deepak Chopra, Don Blackerby, James & Penny Lawley,Judy Rees, Sheila granger, John Overdurf & Julie Silverthorn, Stephen Gilligan, Paul McKenna, Richard Bolstad, Jon Atfeld, Tony Robbins, Colin Cox, Jamie Smart, Steve Jones, Tom Hoobyar, Dan Bradbury, Jonathan Altfeld, John Tickell, John Gray, Mark Gungor, Norman Doidge, John De Martini, Stephen Covey, Wayne Berry, Wayne Dyer, Alpha Dynamic Trainings, David Lake with EFT, Ken Wall and Kobus Neethling – Whole Brain Thinking, Marilyn Powell – iWAM, Connie Rae Andreas, Michael Grinder, Allan Pease, Amanda Gore, Damon cart, Mark Klaasen, Ron Davis, Irena Yashin Shaw, Teya Antoinia Wright, Ken james, Pia Kirke, Karen Downes, Judith Wright, Richard Barrett, Pat Armistead, Dale Beaumont, John Dwyer, Joe Vitale, Lauren Clemmett, Bill Doyle, Bev Aisbett and so many more trainers that I have been lucky in meeting and working with over the last 27yrs.

If I have forgotten some, know that you were also an important part of my training. For all of those above who have contributed their writings, videos and audios, whose books, programs, DVD’s and audios have been an important part of my own learning. Robert Dilts, Judith De Lozier, Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Milton Erickson, Sue Knight, Charles Faulkner, Ian Mc Dermott, Dr Harry Adler, Angus McLeod, Richard Bolstad, Alan Pease, Andrew Austin, Connie Rae & Steve Andreas, Don Blackerby, Tad James, John Kehoe, George Lakoff & Mark Turner, A M Krasner, Paul Mc Kenna, Jack Canfield, Gregory Bateson, Fritz Perls, Virginnia Satir, Steve Andreas, Richard Moss, Rodger Bailey, Patrick Merlvedere, Julie Silverthorn and John Overdurf, Gabrielle Roth, Louise Hay, Dr Phil, Candac B Pert, Sidney Rosen, Ron D Davis, Catherine Ponder, Abraham Maslow, Tony Buzan, Don Beck & Chris Cowan, Colin Tipping, Judith Lowe, Frances Burgess, Morris Goodman, Candy Tymson, Michael kerr, Warren Berger, Judith Glaser,Lise Bourbeau, Marshall Goldsmith, Dr David Drake, Marcia Reynolds, David Clutterbuck, Dan Goleman, Michaekl Bungay Stanier, Richard Barrett, amazing WBECs team.

Fields that I have trained in are, NLP, Neurosemantics, Hypnotherapy,Time Line Therapy, Mind Powers, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Neuroplasticity sciences, Whole Brain Thinking, LAB – Words That Change Minds, iWAM – Work & Motivation Traits, Conscious Leadership, Presentation Skills, EFT, Meta Coaching, 3 Brain Integration Coaching models, customer service, Busineess, Executive Coaching, and Life coaching. I am continuously incorporating, evolving and improving my own trainings generously sharing with my students adding more value with each training. keeping up to date with new ways of applying these techniques and skills for the benefits of all students, clients and colleagues, generatively sharing knowledge for the growth and development of the field.

A Point of View: Lorna generously and generatively facilitates and shares her amazing knowledge, wisdom and experiences that enables you to a process more effectively, getting the excellent results you are wanting more quickly and with less effort, and long lasting valuable support when needed. Trish. I completed my Master NLP Trainer and Facilitator Certification at the NLP University, UCSC Santa Cruz. USA with Robert Dilts, Judith De Lozier, Deborah Bacon-Dilts, and Suzi Smith, Sid Jacobsen and shared with many wonderful NLP Trainers from around the globe, where many resources are/were shared and lifetime affiliations were made, that will enrich all of my trainings as we all support each other in our quest for a worldwide community where people want to belong. I have been assisting at NLP University since 2011, Assisting/Resourcing for Robert and Judith with their Trainers Training and Master Trainers, Practitioner and Master Practitioner Trainings and am looking forward to more contribution in developing more towards the Next 4th Generation of NLP. Was so priviledged to have been able to return again last year at UCSC with Robert, Deborah and Michael last year, for Conscious Leadership training where I visited top companies and universities in Silicon valley where NLP Conscious Leadership has been successfully implemented into their curriculums. I speak and trains internationally, am affiliated with many international trainers and organisations and facilitates at Griffith University in Brisbane, and at UCSC, Santa Cruz. USA. I also enjoy speaking, mentoring and facilitating Master Mind Groups within organisations..

Lorna was the first certified trainer in Australia of the LAB – Words that Change Minds, Mastering the Language of Influence that will teach you how to identify the motivation and working traits of yourself and your employees for retaining longer lasting employees, more dedictaed and loyal team within the workplace. She is also an iWAM certified practitioner. She offers practitioner trainings of the LAB profiling system for companies or personal development. A powerful model for change and successful communication especially with colleagues and ion teams. Lorna was one of only 6 personally selected Master Trainers of the Internationally accredited mBIT (multi braining – 3 Brain) Trainings and trained internationally having presented the first mBIT Coach certification in the USA in Salt Lake City in 2014, as well as in San Francisco. I no longer certify these programs and have incorporated this into my NLP Trainings.

Lorna received her Masters in NLP with Robert Dilts, Judith De Lozier, Deborah Bacon-Dilts, Suzi Smith, Sid jacobsen, Michael Colgrass, at the NLP University, where NLP began 42 years ago with Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Lorna’s other trainings were with NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis certifications through Dr Tad James – a leader in the field of NLP, and the creator of Time Line Therapy®. Her Neurosemantics qualifications, from Dr.L.Michael Hall and Dr Bobby.G.Bodenhamer the co founders of Neurosemantics.The LAB Certification was with Shelle Rose Charvet, The Meta Coaching certification was with the Meta Coaching Foundation – Neurosemantics – Dr L. Michael Hall and Michelle Duval, Graham Richardson, Cheryl Gilroy, Reg reynolds; Whole Brain Thinking® qualifications were from Ken Wall – The Thinking Network. and Kobus Neethling, Hypnotherapy was with Tad James, Dr Topher Morrison, Chris Howard, Sheila Granger, Alpha Hypnosis Training, Hypnobirthing – the Mongo Method, Dr John Gray, Lorna has also trained with John Kehoe of Mind Power, Sue Knight in Coaching and Modelling, Michael Grinder in Group Dynamics, Dr Christopher Morrison- Advanced Hypnotherapy, Chris Howard – NLP, Alpha Institute, Dr John Gray, John Tickell, Dr David Lake, Gary Craig in EFT, Mind Mapping, NBI, & Fish.

Lorna has obtained her Certificate IV in Coaching with Fire Up Coaching, and is a certified Meta Coach with the Institiute of Neuro-Semantics. Lorna received her Certificate 1V Trainers and workplace Assessors certifications from the University of Melbourne, and her Certificate 1V in Business from Qld University, she upgraded to the TA4 qualification in 2009, and to the TAE4 level in 2010, in Queensland. Lorna has been a certified Colour and Style Image consultant having had her own business in Beauty Therapy and Image consulting for over 25 years in country Victoria and Melbourne, before moving in 2002 to Brisbane, Qld. Lorna is a dynamic, passionate and vivacious presenter and she prides herself on approaching others in a down to earth, yet professional manner, cutting out the jargon and delivering in a simple easy to understand format. Her generosity in giving her students more than what they expect in so many ways, mostly her undivided attention, support, time, charts to assist the student, and many many extras as well as healthy food all day. Lorna lives by what she shares with her students and there is always so much more than you expect – everyday. Lorna has successfully worked with people from all levels within organisations, Small – Medium Business, Large Corporate, with Manufacturers, Leaders and managers. Lorna develops and facilitates customised training workshops for the Corporate sector, SME, Medical Practitioners, Teachers, Therapists, Adult Learning, Children, People who stutter, children with learning difficulties, and in general people of all ages who want to develop certain areas of their life to achieve life and/or work balance. Having successfully created and managed her own businesses, over many years as a successful Professional Business Owner, Image Consultant, Beauty Therapist, CosmeticTattooist, Trainer, Coach and Therapist, in country Victoria as well as for 15 years in Melbourne, and since 2002 in Brisbane. For the past 18 years successfully conducting her own Training/Personal Coaching/Therapy business with corporate and personal clients., holding her very successful individually designed, personal development and corporate trainings, seminars and workshops. The journey continues, The Learning Continues and Her Good Health and Wellbeing continues making a difference in the world to those around her.

Jon’s Qualifications

  • Mechanical Engineer, Degree in Mechanical Engineering.

  • NLP Trainer & Consultant (NLP University – Robert Dilts & Judith De Lozier; USA)

  • mBIT Certified Coach (mBIT International)

  • Master Practitioner NLP (ABNLP)

  • Master Practitioner Time Line Therapy™ (TLTA)

  • Master Hypnotist (ABH)

  • Certified Practitioner of Meta States™ Certified Meta Coach (ACMC)

  • LAB Profile Practitioner Management Coach Jon has a degree in Mechanical Engineering, (Melbourne University)

  • A Certified, internationally recognised NLP Trainer & Facilitator at UCSC, Santa Cruz. USA with NLPUniversity (Robert Dilts & Judith De Lozier) also attended the Neurosemantics Trainers Training.

  • Jon is a Master Practitioner of NLP / Neurosemantics, Time Line & Hypnotherapy.

  • LAB Profile Practitioner, Life skills coach, Practitioner of EFT and Mind Mapping.

  • Jon is a certified mBIT Coach.

Jon continues his studies in Personal Development, and with Lorna in the fields of NLP, learning leading edge advanced communication skills, using these skills in his work as an engineer, his personal environment, as well as his ongoing assistance in supporting Lorna with her trainings and seminars. Jon’s skills have helped him tremendously with his pre-op preparation and recovery from Cancer and having his kidney removed where he is now recovering exceptionally well.

Collective Intelligences

    creates and develops training to suit the individual needs of an organisation;

  • Dilts SFM Conscious Leadership

  • NLPU Affiliated Practitioner & Master Practitioner Trainings

  • Brisbane NLPworking4u Certified NLP trainings.

  • Coaching Essentials – NLP Based Introduction to Coaching

  • Collective Intelligences Coaching Generative Coaching

  • Intro to 3 Brain Coaching

  • Executive Coaching for the corporate market

  • LAB – Words That Change Minds Whole Brain Thinking®

  • Hypnotherapy

  • Laser Beam Focus

  • Organisational Wellness – Bringing happiness into the workplace for a more productive team

  • Communication Games Business Experts play – Advanced communication Negotiation and mediation

  • Change management – Team Development

  • Performance Enhancement and management Values alignment

  • The Key to Designing your Destiny™

  • The Key to Designing your Destiny™ for Kids

  • Self Dynamics® – Accessing Your personal Genius

  • The Key to Relationship Happiness – Bringing Laughter & Fun back into your Relationship

  • Dissolving The Disappointment of Divorce

  • Learning How to Learn – Strategies for Spelling, Maths, Reading,

  • Memory Enhancement

  • Performance Enhancement

  • Letting Go and Expressing Yourself Freely – The Key to Gaining Fluency

  • Cleaning Out Your Clutter

  • Defeating the Dragons of Depression

Is A Member Of Many Organisation

© 2021 Collective Intelligences Leadership Academy